Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Eesa Al.(Jesus) Second Coming....

From: www.islamweb.net


It dares you to disprove it. How? It says that humans cannot write a book like this even if they pooled all their resources together and got help also from the spirits. The Qur’an said this fourteen hundred years ago and yet no one has been able to disprove it. Billions of books have been written-but not another one like the Qur’an.


It is the only religious sacred writing that has been in circulation for such a long time and yet remains as pure as it was in the beginning. The Qur’an was kept intact. Nothing was added to it; nothing was changed in it; and nothing was taken away from it ever since its revelation was completed 1400 hundred years ago.


The Qur’an is God’s final revelation to humankind. God revealed the Torah to Moses, the Psalms to David, the Gospel to Jesus, and finally the Qur’an to Muhammad. Peace be upon them all. No other book will come from God to surpass His final revelation.


The Qur’an withstands the test of time and scrutiny. No one can dispute the truth of this book. It speaks about past history and turns out right. It speaks about the future in prophecies and it turns out right. It mentions details of physical phenomena which were not known to people at the time; yet later scientific discoveries prove that the Qur’an was right all along. Every other book needs to be revised to accord with modern knowledge. The Qur’an alone is never contradicted by a newly discovered scientific fact.

Your Roadmap for Life and Afterlife

The Qur’an is the best guidebook on how to structure your life. No other book presents such a comprehensive system involving all aspects of human life and endeavor. The Qur’an also points out the way to secure everlasting happiness in the afterlife. It is your roadmap showing how to get to Paradise.

God’s Gift of Guidance

God has not left you alone. You were made for a reason. God tells you why he made you, what he demands from you and what he has in store for you. If you operate a machine contrary to it’s manufacturer’s specification you will ruin that machine. What about you? Do you have an owner’s manual for yourself? The Qur’an is from the Divine Manual your Maker. It is a gift for you to make sure you function for success, lest you fail to function.

It is a healing from God. It satisfies the soul, and cleans the heart. It removes doubts and brings peace.

Your Calling Card to Communicate with your Lord

Humans are social creatures. We love to communicate with the other intelligent life. The Qur’an tells us how to communicate with the source of all intelligence and the source of all life-the One God. The Qur’an, tells us who God is, by what name we should address Him, and the way in which to communicate with Him.

Are these not seven sufficient points for reading the Qur’an? 

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

நீங்கள் இல்லை... ஆனால் நீங்கள்?

நீங்கள் அறிவாளி இல்லை... மற்றவர்களை முட்டாள் என்று சொன்னால்..
நீங்கள் அறிவாளி... உங்கள் அறிவு மற்றவர்களுடன் பகிர்ந்துகொண்டால்..

நீங்கள் பணக்காரர் இல்லை... மற்றவர்களை ஏழை என்று சொன்னால்..
நீங்கள் பணக்காரர்... உங்கள் பணம் நல்ல காரியங்களுக்கு உபயோகமாயிருந்தால்..

நீங்கள் அழகன் இல்லை... மற்றவர்களை அசிங்கம் என்று சொன்னால்..
நீங்கள் அழகன்... நீங்கள் தற்பெருமை அடிக்காமலிருந்தால்..

நீங்கள் நல்லவர் இல்லை... மற்றவர்களை கெட்டவர் என்று சொன்னால்..
நீங்கள் நல்லவர்... மற்றவர்களை நல்வழி பாதையில் திருத்த முயன்றால்..

நீங்கள் பக்திமான் இல்லை... மற்றவர்களை இறைவழிபாடு இல்லாதவர் என்று சொன்னால்..
நீங்கள் பக்திமான்... ஒவ்வொரு நாளிலும் சில நேரமாவது கடவுளுக்காக ஒதுக்கினால்..

நீங்கள் பலசாலி இல்லை... மற்றவர்களை பலம் குறைந்தவர் என்று சொன்னால்..
நீங்கள் பலசாலி... பலம் குறைந்தவர்களுக்கு உங்களால் ஆன உதவியை செய்தால்..

நீங்கள் வீரர் இல்லை.. மற்றவர்களை பயந்தாங்கொல்லி என்று சொன்னால்..
நீங்கள் வீரர்... மற்றவர்களுக்கும் நாட்டிற்கும் வீட்டிற்கும் தேவைப்படும்போது எதிர்த்து நிற்க்கும் துணிச்சல் இருந்தால்..

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Just Friends VS. Best Friends

A Just Friend says..hi,..hello, ..bye,... and walks away...
A Best friend always stop by your side & asks how r u doing ??

A Just Friend has never seen you cry.
A Best friend has shoulders soggy from your tears.

A Just Friend thinks the friendship is over, when you have an argument.
A Best friend knows that it's not a friendship, until after you've had a fight.

A Just Friend hates it when you call, after he has gone to bed.
A Best friend asks you.... why you took so long to call.

A Just Friend, when visiting, acts like a guest.
A Best friend opens your refrigerator and helps himself.

A Just Friend jealous about your romantic history.
A Best friend wonders of your love story.....

A Just Friend expects you to be always there for any help.
A Best friend is always there, wherever you require any help.

A Just Friend doesn't have time in his/her busy schedule,
A Best friend always have time for you in his/her busy schedules... .

A Just Friend phones you whenever he/she has some work,
A Best friend calls you often just to hear your voice.....

A Just Friend doesnt have anything to talk to you on phone,
A Best friend doesnt know...what all to finish...

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Miracles of Islam - Isra' and Miraj of Prophet Muhammad! معجزة الاسراء والمعراج 1/2


see these miracles and you will convert to Islam for sure

Google Earth Proves that the Prophet Muhammad (S) is RIGHT!

A Miracle of Quran جنين يسجد عند سماع القرآن

Quran Miracle: Iron sent down from space (Discovery Channel)

Quran Miracles Part 3

Smoking is for Cool Adults??????



Allah's name appears on the Oceans - picture from Apollo 11

Amazing Islam Miracles

MIRACLE OF ISLAM!!!! Holy Kaabah Glowing!!!

Inside Kaaba

Allah's Miracle 2--Must Watch

Allah's Miracle 1--Must Watch

Miracles Of Quran 07

Miracles Of Quran Part 01

Miracles Of Quran Part 08

Miracles of the Quran 10

The Miracles of the Quran - Part 5

The Miracles of the Quran - Part 13

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Tuesday, September 16, 2008



Easy is to judge the mistakes of others
 Difficult is to recognize our own mistakes

Easy is to talk without thinking
 Difficult is to refrain the tongue

Easy is to hurt someone who loves us.
 Difficult is to heal the wound...

Easy is to forgive others
 Difficult is to ask for forgiveness

Easy is to set rules.
 Difficult is to follow them...

Easy is to dream every night.
 Difficult is to fight for a dream...

Easy is to show victory.
 Difficult is to assume defeat with dignity...

Easy is to admire a full moon.
 Difficult to see the other side...

Easy is to stumble with a stone.
 Difficult is to get up...

Easy is to enjoy life every day.
 Difficult to give its real value...

Easy is to promise something to someone.
 Difficult is to fulfill that promise...

Easy is to say we love.
 Difficult is to show it every day...

Easy is to criticize others.
 Difficult is to improve oneself...

Easy is to make mistakes.
 Difficult is to learn from them...

Easy is to weep for a lost love.
 Difficult is to take care of it so not to lose it.

Easy is to think about improving.
 Difficult is to stop thinking it and put it into action...

Easy is to think bad of others
 Difficult is to give them the benefit of the doubt...

Easy is to receive
 Difficult is to give

Easy to read this
 Difficult to follow

Easy is keep the friendship with words
 Difficult is to keep it with meanings

Friday, September 12, 2008

MBA v/s CA

7 MBA's and 7 CA's are going from PUNE to Mumbai.

So both groups gather at Pune Station. Both groups are desperately trying
to prove their superiority.

Scene 1 (PUNE - MUMBAI):

7 MBAs take only 1 Ticket and 7 CA's buy all 7 tickets..!
CA's are desperately waiting for TC to come......
When TC arrives, All 7 MBAs get in one toilet SO when TC knocks, one hand
come out with the ticket and the TC goes away....

CA's say "Dekh lenge"

NOW on return Journey all of them don't get a direct train to PUNE.
So they all decide to take a Passenger till Lonavala, from there they can
easily get a LOCAL to PUNE

CA's decided, "this time we will prove that we too are equally SHAANE"....
All 7 CA's take 1 Ticket MBAs don't buy ticket at all!
TC arrives....


One MBA gets out and knocks the door of CA's toilet, one hand comes with
the tickets, and he takes the ticket and comes in MBA's Bathroom...
TC DRIVES out ALL the CA's from the toilet and they are heavily
fined....... . tai tai fissssssss.. .


SO now both the group on LONAVALA station. CA's planning their move for
last time... they board the local to PUNE.

This time CA's decide that they will play the same (1 ticket) trick.

ALL CA's take 1 tickets...MBAs BUY all 7 tickets this time...
SO TC Comes... All MBAs show their tickets.....

CA's are still searching for toilet in the LOCAL....... ....(India Local Trains No Toilet Facility)

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

*Azaan a Miracle? Yes!*

*Amazing as it sounds,

but fortunately, for the Muslims of the world, it is* an established fact. have a

look at the world map And you will find Indonesia on the eastern side of the earth.

The major cities of Indonesia are Java, Sumatra, Borneo and Saibil. As soon as dawn

breaks on the eastern side of Saibil, at approximately 5:30 am local time, Fajar

Azaan begins. Thousands of Muazzins in Indonesia begin reciting the Azaan. The

process advances towards West Indonesia . One and a half hours after the Azaan has

been completed in Saibil, it echoes in Jakarta ... Sumatra then follows suit and

before this auspicious process of calling Azaan ends in Indonesia , it has already

begun in Malaysia ...

Burma is next in line, and within an hour of its beginning in Jakarta, it reaches

Dacca, the capital city of Bangladesh . After Bangladesh , it has already prevailed

in western India , from Calcutta to Srinagar . It then advances towards Bombay and

the environment of entire India resounds with this proclamation. Srinagar and

Sialkot (a north city in Pakistan ) have thesame timing for Azaan. The time

difference between Sialkot , Quetta , and Karachi is forty minutes, and within this

time, Fajar Aazaan is heard throughout Pakistan . Before it ends there, it has

already begun in Afghanistan and Muscat .

The time difference between Muscat and Baghdad is one hour. Azaan resounds during

this one hour in the environments of Hijaaz-e-Muqaddas (Holycities of Makkah and

Madinah), Yemen , United Arab Emirates , Kuwait and Iraq . The time difference

between Baghdad and Alexandria in Egypt is again one hour. Azaan continues to

resound in Syria, Egypt, Somalia and Sudan during this hour. The time difference

between eastern and western Turkey is one and a half hours, and during this

Alexandria and Tripoli (capital of Libya ) are located at one hour's difference. The

process of calling Azaan thus  continues throughout the whole of Africa . Therefore,

the proclamation of the Tawheed' and 'Risaalat' that had begun in Indonesia reaches

the Eastern Shore of the Atlantic Ocean after nine and half hours.

Prior to the Aazaan reaching the shores of the Atlantic, the process of 'Zohar

Azaan' has already started in east Indonesia , and before it reaches Dacca , Asr

Azaan' has started. This has hardly reached Jakarta one and half hours later, the

time of 'Maghrib' becomes due, and no sooner has 'Maghrib' time reached Sumatra ,

the time for calling 'Isha Aazaan' has commenced in Saibil! When the Muazzins of

Indonesia are calling out 'Fajar Azaan', the African Muazzins are calling the Azaan

for Isha.

If we were to ponder over this phenomenon thoughtfully, we would conclude the

amazing fact that there is not even a single moment when hundreds of thousands of

Muazzins around the world are not reciting the Azaan on the surface of this earth.

Subhaan Allah !!! Even as you read this material right now, you can be sure there is

Azaan somewhere !!!

Health Tips

When Hand Phone Battery is down to the LAST Grid/Bar, Do not answer the phone as the radiation is 1000 times...

Do not lie down Immediately after taking medicine before sleeping...

Best sleeping time is from 10pm at night to 6am in the morning...

Do not use Headphones/Earphone for LONG period of time...

Keep your Distance from hand phone CHARGERS...

Drink more WATER in the morning, less at night...

Reduce the amount of OILY food you consume...

Do not Consume HUGE meals after 5pm...

Do not take Pills with COOL water...

Do not Drink Coffee TWICE a day...

Answer the Phone by LEFT ear... 

Funny Kids................

One Minute Painting?????????????...........

பணக்கார இந்தியா

இந்தியர்களின் கறுப்பு பணம் ரூ.64 லட்சம் கோடி ஸ்விஸ் வங்கியில் 
நாம் அனைவரும் நிணைத்துக்கொண்டிருக்கிற மாதிரி இந்தியா ஏழை நாடு அல்ல. ஆமாம். 100 சதவிகித 'அக்மார்க' உண்மை நம்ப முடியவில்லையா?..தொடர்ந்து படியுங்கள். 

இந்திய மக்களிடமிருந்து ஊழல், கமிஷன் மற்றும் லஞ்சம் மூலம்- கொள்ளையடித்து,  கணக்கு காட்டாமல் சுவீஸ் வங்கியில் டெபாசிட் செய்யப்பட்டிருக்கும் கறுப்பு பணம் எவ்வளவு தெரியுமா? ரூ.64 லட்சம் கோடி (1456 பில்லியன் அமெரிக்க டாலர்) என்ற அதிர்ச்சி தகவலை சுவிட்சர்லாந்து வங்கிகளின் கூட்டமைப்பு  (Swiss Banking Association) தனது ஆண்டு அறிக்கையில் வெளியிட்டுள்ளது. 

 இந்த தொகை உலக வங்கி (World Bank), உலக நிதி நிறுவனம் (Internationala Monetary Fund), மற்றும் வளர்ந்த நாடுகளிடமிருந்து இந்தியா தனது வளர்ச்சி திட்டங்களுக்கக வாங்கியிருக்கும் வெளிநாட்டு கடனின் மொத்த மதிப்பைவிட 13 மடங்கு அதிகம் என்பது குறிப்பிடத்தக்கது. 

இந்தப் பணத்தையெல்லாம் பதுக்கி வைத்திருக்கும் ‘யோக்கிய சிகாமனிகள்' யார் தெரியுமா?
நமது இந்தியாவின் வளர்ச்சிக்கும் முன்னேற்றத்திற்கும் பணியாற்ற தேர்ந்தெடுக்கப்பட்ட அய்.ஏ.எஸ், ஐ.பி.எஸ், மற்றும் அர்சியல் வாதிகள்தான். 

 உலக நாடுகள் வியக்கும் அளவுக்கு அசுர வேகத்தில் இந்திய வளர்ந்து கொண்டிருக்கிறது. முன்னாள் ஜனாதிபதி அப்துல் கலாம், 2020 ஆண்டு, இந்தியா வல்லரசாகவேண்டும் என்று கனவு காணச்சொல்லியிருக்கிறார். ஆனால், தற்பொழுது வெளியாகியுள்ள இந்த விஷயம், ஒழுக்க நெறிமுறைகள், அறநெறிகள், மதிப்பீடுகள் இல்லாத இந்தியாவின் வளர்ச்சி என்றாவது ஒருநாள் நிலைகுலைந்து போகும் என்ற அச்சத்தை உருவாக்கியிருக்கிறது, 
சமீபத்தில் நடைபெற்ற ஒலிம்பிக் போட்டியில் ஒரே ஒரு தங்கம் பெற்ற இந்தியா, ஸ்விஸ் வங்கியில் 'கள்ள' கணக்கு வைத்திருக்கும் முதல் ஐந்து நாடுகளில் - முதலிடத்தை தட்டி செல்கிறது.

1. இந்தியா---- $1,456 billion

2. ரஷ்யா---$ 470 billion

3. UK -------$390 billion

4. உக்ரைன் - $100 billion

5. சீனா -----$ 96 billion

 அது மட்டுமல்ல, இந்தியாவின் வைப்புத்தொகை ($1456 பில்லியன்) - மற்ற நான்கு நாடுகளின் மொத்த வைப்புத்தொகையை ($1056 பில்லியன்) விட அதிகம். 
இந்த பணத்தை இந்திய மக்களுக்கு பிரித்துக்கொடுத்தால், 45 கோடி பேருக்கு - ஒவ்வொருவருக்கும் 1,00,000 ரூபாய் கிடைக்குமாம்..

 இந்திய மக்களிடமிருந்து பறிக்கப்பட்ட இந்த பணத்தை, இந்தியா சட்ட \ரீதியாக நடவடிகையெடுத்து மீண்டும் $1456 பில்லியன் பணமும் திரும்பவும் இந்தியாவுக்கே வந்துவிட்டால் ஒரே நாளில் நமது வெளிநாட்டு கடனை அடைத்துவிட்டு, மீதியிருக்கும் பணத்தை Fixed Deposite -ல் போட்டால், அதிலிருந்து வரும் வட்டி - இந்திய அரசின வருடாந்திர 'பட்ஜெட்' க்கு ஒதுக்கப்படும் தொகையைவிட அதிகமாக கிடைக்குமாம். அதனால், துண்டு விழாத பட்ஜெட் போடலாம், புதிய வரிகள் போடுவதை தவிர்க்கலாம், 

 வறுமைகோட்டுக்கு கீழே உள்ள இந்தியர்களை அப்படியே 'அலாக்'காக துக்கி (வறுமை) கோட்டுக்கு மேலே வைத்து 'கோட்டும்- சூட்டும்' போட்டு பார்க்கலாம். 


Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Awesome Reply....

It was a hot meeting at the office conference hall. All the people from
the department had been called. The VP was looking much tensed.

The mood was very bad. My friend asked me -"Hey, what is this
meeting all about?" I told - "May be they will decide on when to have the next
meeting." People around smiled at each other. Then the VP started
talking. It was about the recent attrition rate that was so high.
Around 10 people had put in their papers. All experienced guys. It was
quarter end and so work was huge. "If we do not complete the work on time, we
need to be paying heavy penalty" said the VP. The VP turned to the
manager and told "Hey - take how much ever resources you want. Recruit or take
them from other departments. But complete the work in another 25 days."

To this the sweet manager replied "Sir! Give me one wife and nine
months and I shall show you results. Don't give me nine wives and one
month. I cannot do anything." Everyone looked at him blank. The VP was not prepared for this answer.

We looked at the manager and thought "What an Awesome Reply man!"

God's Pharmacy

God's Pharmacy! Amazing!
A sliced Carrot looks like the human eye. The pupil, iris and radiating lines look just like the human eye ... and YES, science now shows carrots greatly enhance blood flow to and functioning of the eyes. A Tomato has four chambers and is red. The heart has four chambers and is red. All of the research shows tomatoes are loaded with lycopine and are indeed pure heart and blood food.
Grapes hang in a cluster that has the shape of the heart. Each grape looks like a blood cell and all of the research today shows grapes are also profound heart and blood vitalizing food.
A Walnut looks like a little brain, a left and right hemisphere, upper cerebrums and lower cerebellums. Even the wrinkles or folds on the nut are just like the neo-cortex. We now know walnuts help develop more than three (3) dozen neuron-transmitters for brain function.

Kidney Beans actually heal and help maintain kidney function and yes, they look exactly like the human kidneys.

C elery, Bok Choy, Rhubarb and many more look just like bones. These foods specifically target bone strength. Bones are 23 % sodium and these foods are 23% sodium. If you don't have enough sodium in your diet, the body pulls it from the bones, thus making them weak. These foods replenish the skeletal needs of the body.

Avocados, Eggplant and Pears target the health and function of the womb and cervix of the female - they look just like these organs. Today's research shows that when a woman eats one avocado a week, it balances hormones, sheds unwanted birth weight, and prevents cervical cancers. And how profound is this? It takes exactly nine (9) months to grow an avocado from blossom to ripened fruit. There are over 14,000 photolytic chemical constituents of nutrition in each one of these foods (modern science has only studied and named about 141 of them).

Figs are full of seeds and hang in twos when they grow. Figs increase the mobility of male sperm and increase the numbers of sperm as well to overcome male sterility.

Sweet Potatoes look like the pancreas and actually balance the glycemic index of diabetics.

Olives assist the health and function of the ovaries.

Oranges, Grapefruits, and other Citrus fruits look just like the mammary glands of the fe male and actually assist the health of the breasts and the movement of lymph in and out of the breasts.

Onions look like the body's cells. Research shows onions help clear waste materials from all of the body cells. They even produce tears which wash the epithelial layers of the eyes. A working companion, Garlic, also helps eliminate waste materials and dangerous radicals from the body.

Please don't break this even if you only send it to one person. Look at the date when this was started. Thanks.

AptentScene - Ministry of Defence

Don't Judge the Peoples, while you are watching...

Useful Information about your Mobile Phone......

I have received an interesting email from one of my friends. Try at your own risk.

There are a few things that can be done in times of grave emergencies. Your mobile phone can actually be a life saver or an emergency tool for survival. Check out the things that you can do with it:

1. The Emergency Number worldwide for Mobile is 112. If you find yourself out of the coverage area of your mobile; network and there is an emergency, dial 112 and the mobile will search any existing network to establish the emergency number for you, and interestingly this
number 112 can be dialed even if the keypad is locked. Try it out.

2. Does your car have remote keyless entry? This may come in handy someday. Good reason to own a cell phone: If you lock your keys in the car and the spare keys are at home, call someone at home on their mobile phone from your cell phone. Hold your cell phone about a foot from your car door and have the person at your home press the unlock button, holding it near the mobile phone.on their end. Your car will unlock. Saves someone from having to drive your keys to you. Distance is no object. You could be hundreds of miles away, and if you can reach someone who has the other 'remote' for your car, you can unlock the doors (or the trunk).

3. Imagine your mobile battery is very low. To activate, press the keys *3370# Your mobile will restart with this reserve and the instrument will show a 50% increase in battery. This reserve will get charged when you charge your mobile next time.

4. To check your mobile phone's serial number, key in the following digits on your phone!: * # 0 6 #, a 15 digit code will appear on the screen. This number is unique to your handset. Write it down and keep it somewhere safe. When your phone get stolen, you can phone your service provider and give them this code. They will then be able to block your handset so even if the thief changes the SIM card, your phone will be totally useless.You probably won't get your phone back, but at least you know that whoever stole it can't use/sell it either. If everybody does this, there would be no point in people stealing mobile phones.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Unseen Singapore Photos.........

அப்துல் கலாம்-இளமை கால புகைப்படம்

ரஷ்யா மற்றும் அமெரிக்கா நிலவுக்கு விண்வெளி பயணம் மேற்கொண்ட காலங்களில் தான் நாம் (1960) விண்வெளி ஆராய்ச்சியை திருவனத்தபுரம் அருகில் உள்ள தும்பா என்ற இடத்தில் தொடங்கினோம்,மேலும் அது வளர்ச்சி பெற்று விக்ரம் சாராபாய் வான்வெளி நிலையமாக மாறி பின்னர் இப்போது உள்ள இந்திய வான்வெளி ஆராய்ச்சி நிலையமாக (இஸ்ரோ) மாறி உள்ளது.இதோ சில படங்கள் நாம் இந்தியர்கள் என்று பெருமை கொள்ள வைக்கும்.
இப்படிதான் நம் விண்வெளி ஆராய்ச்சி தொடங்கியது.
நவம்பர் 21-1963 :- நைக் அபாச்சே ராக்கெட் ஏவ தயாராக உள்ளது.
இதுதான் நவீன விண்வெளி ஆராய்ச்சி நிலையம், சந்திர மண்டலத்துக்கு ராக்கெட் அனுப்பும் முயற்சியில் இருக்கும் நம் விஞ்ஞானிகளுக்கு வாழ்த்துக்கள். Courtesy: தீலிபன்