Do You know what will be the first thing that will be asked from this Ummah Five Prayers Do you know what was the first prayer offered By Mohammad S.A.W It Was Duhr Prayer Do you know ! who will be the first one entering Jannah He will be Prophet Mohammad S.A.W Do you know who will be the first Ummah Entering Jannah It will be Ummah of Prophet Mohammad S.A.W Do you know who is the first one who say Azan in heaven He was Jibrail A.S Do you know who first predicted the hours to be twelve It was Nooh A.S, who did this when he was on boat to find out the times for prayers Do you know who was the first person who said SUBHANA RABBI AL AALA He was Israfeel A.S Do you know what was the first ayah revealed from Al-Quran It was Surah Al-Alaq Ayah 1 Do you know who ! first wrote with pen He was Hazrat Idrees A.S Do you know what was the last ayah revelaed from Al-Quran It was Al-Baqara Ayah 281 Do you know what was the fist verse revealed from Torah It was Bismillah hir rahman nir raheem Do you know what is the MO St Supreme Ayah in Quran Its Ayat Al-Kursi -------Al-Baqara Ayah 255 Whoever said SUBHAN ALLAHi WA BIHAMDIHI hundred 100 times, All his sins will be forgiven even if they are as much as foam of the sea. WHoever will say LAILLAHA ILLA ANTA SUBHANAKA INNI KUNTU MINAZ ZALIMEEN, Whenever ! he is in sorrow, Allah will take away all his sorrows Just like he saved YUNUS A.S, when he was inside the fish. The Prophet said, "(There are) two words which are dear to the Beneficent (Allah) and very light (easy) for the tongue (to say), but very heavy in weight in the balance. They are:Subhan Allah WA-bi hamdihi' and 'Subhan Allah Al-'Azim." Ibn-al Qayyaum R.A said: the things that make the body sick are: Too much! talking, Too much sleeping, Too much Eating Jabir reported that the Prophet, peace be upon him, said, 'Whoever says Subhan-Allah-al-Azim WA bihamdihi (Glorified is Allah, the Great, with all praise due to Him), will have a palm tree planted for him in paradise.''Reported by Tirmidhi Juwairiyah bint Al-Harith (May Allah be pleased with her) reported, the Mother of the Believers: The Prophet (PBUH) came out from my apartment in the Morning as I was busy in performing the dawn prayer. He came back in the forenoon and found me sitting there. The Prophet (PBUH) said, "Are you still in the same position as I left you." I replied in the affirmative. Thereupon the Prophet said,"I recited four words three times after I had left you. If these are to be weighed against all you have recited since morning, these will be heavier. These are: Subhan-Allahi wa bihamdihi, `adada khalqihi, wa rida nafsihi, wa zinatah `arshihi, wa midada kalimatihi
Saturday, January 31, 2009
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
BALANCE SHEET OF LIFE ..............
Our Birth is our Opening Balance!
Our Death is our Closing Balance!
Our Prejudiced Views are our Liabilities
Our Creative Ideas are our Assets
Heart is our Current Asset
Soul is our Fixed Asset
Brain is our Fixed Deposit
Thinking is our Current Account
Achievements are our CapitalCharacter & Morals, our Stock-in-Trade
Friends are our General Reserves
Values & Behaviour are our Goodwill
Patience is our Interest Earned
Love is our Dividend
Children are our Bonus Issues
Education is Brands / Patents
Knowledge is our Investment
Experience is our Premium Account
The Aim is to Tally the Balance Sheet Accurately.
The Goal is to get the Best Presented Accounts Award.
Some very Good and Very bad things ...
The most destructive habit....... .......... ......Worry
The greatest Joy......... ......... .......... ....Giving
The greatest loss.......Loss of self-respect
The most satisfying work........ .......Helping others
The ugliest personality trait....... ......Selfishness
The most endangered species..... ....Dedicated leaders
Our greatest natural resource.... .......Our youth
The greatest 'shot in the arm'........ Encouragement
The greatest problem to overcome.... ........Fear
The most effective sleeping pill....... Peace of mind
The most crippling failure disease.......Excuses
The most powerful force in life......... .......Love
The most dangerous act...... ...A gossip
The world's most incredible computer.... ....The brain
The worst thing to be without..... ......... Hope
The deadliest weapon...... .......... .....The tongue
The two most power-filled words........... 'I Can'
The greatest asset....... ........... .......Faith
The most worthless emotion.... ........Self- pity
The most beautiful attire...... ......... ....SMILE!
The most prized possession.. ......... .....Integrity
The most powerful channel of communication. ...Prayer
The most contagious spirit....... ......Enthusiasm
Life ends; when you stop Dreaming,
Hope ends; when you stop Believing,
Love ends; when you stop Caring,
And Friendship ends; when you stop Sharing...!!!
(A Story about Festival of Tamil Nadu Peoples (India-TamilNadu) The first day of Pongal known as 'Bhogi Pongal' is a day for family gathering and is dedicated to Lord Indra, the king of the deities and God of the Clouds and Rains. It is also the beginning of the New Year according to the Malayalam calendar and before sunrise, a huge bonfire of useless things in home is lit that is kept burning throughout the night. The houses are then cleaned till they shine and are decorated with Kolams painted using rice four. The harvest of rice, turmeric and sugarcane is brought in for next day. The second day of Pongal known as 'Surya Pongal' is dedicated to the Sun God. The granaries are kept full on this day and Sun God with his rays are painted on a plank as he is worshipped with the birth of the new auspicious month of Thai. Since the word 'Ponga' means 'to boil' representing plentiful and excess yield, a special dish is cooked on this day in a new mud-pot that comes in innovative shapes and have artistic designs on them called 'Pongapani'. A colorful sugarcane market is also set up on this day. The special dish is called 'Sarkkarai Pongal' and is offered to Sun God with sugarcane sticks. The third day known as 'Mattu Pongal' is dedicated to the cattle as cowherds and shepherds pay thanks to their cows and bulls, wash them, paint their horns and cover them with shining metal caps. They are fed 'pongal' and tinkling bells are tied around their neck. Cattle races are conducted and in the game called 'Manji Virattu' groups of young men chase running bulls. Bull fights called 'Jallikattu' are also arranged at some places where young men have to take the money bags tied to the horns of ferocious bulls single-handedly and without the use of arms. The third day is celebrated as 'Kanni Pongal' when unmarried girls cooks Ponggal wishing for wedding bells soon. Pongal, as all Indian festivals, have interesting legends attached to it. Originated as a Dravidian harvest festival, it has found no mention in Indo-Aryan Puranas. According to the popular legend, the first day of the festival known as Bhogi Pongal was once dedicated to Lord Indra. The child Krishna came to know of the pride and arrogance of Indra on being the king of the deities and that he thought himself to be the most powerful of all the beings. He conjured a plan to teach him a lesson. When, as usual, his father and other villagers who were cowherds by profession, were preparing for the festival and offerings to Indra, Krishna objected and persuaded them to worship Mt Govardhan instead, as it gave them fodder for their cattle. When Indra came to know of this, he considered it a heresy of the villagers and sent thunderous pours, storms and lightning to drown them and punish them. However, Lord Krishna had other plans in mind and he lifted up the Govardhan mountain on his little finger to protect the cowherds and their cattle. The simpletons tried to help him by putting their own sticks in the mountain out of love. The rains continued for three days and at last Indra realized his mistake and divine power of the young boy. He promised humility and begged Krishna 's forgiveness. Since then, Krishna allowed to let the Bhogi celebrations continue in honor of Indra. A beautiful depiction of the scene can be scene at Mahabalipuram where Krishna lifting Govardhan has been carved skilfully and since then the origin of the festival of Pongal came into being. Another legend associated to the third day of Pongal known as Mattu Pongal involves Lord Shiva and his mount, Nandi the bull. It is said that once Shiva ordered Nandi to go to the Earth and deliver his message to the people that they should take oil bath every day and eat food once a month. However, the dozing Nandi could not hear the message right and told the people to eat everyday and take oil bath once a month. Shiva was furious and said that due to his folly, there will be lack of grains on the Earth and so he would have to remain on Earth to help humans plough the fields.
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Money in ZIMBABWE!!!!
500 million dollar bill, just printed in May 2008.....everybody can have it.... just enough for breakfast/lunch (equal to about USD 2)

Everybody is a billionaire....

To buy eggs........6000 million
Driving Nightmares Vs Beauty
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